core symptomの例文
core storage, core store
Core storage , core store

abstinence symptom
The general methodology for the addiction studies consisted of first getting subjects drug-free ( with apparent exceptions for abstinence symptoms when administration of the substance stop......

abstinent symptom
A controlled study on clinical efficacy of chinese herbal compounds , anjunning and kanfuxin on alleviating opioid protracted abstinent symptoms

acute symptom
Its use is only recommended once acute symptoms have improved. This approach is considered potentially preventative rather than responsive to acute symptoms. Certain chemical poisons remai......

affective symptom
Behavioral and affective symptoms deserve special consideration in this patient group. The connection with the limbic system presumably underlies the affective symptoms of CCAS. Only when ......

alarming symptom
But all these things are alarming symptoms that we cannot pretend not to see. About 10 days after Wolff treated Stevens, he saw another patient with alarming symptoms. Russian Human Rights......

associated symptom
Associated symptoms are less common in the elderly. The state's economic growth has led to urban sprawl and its associated symptoms. If there are associated symptoms of narrowing, the diag......

b symptom
B symptoms are a clear negative prognostic factor in Hodgkin lymphoma. However, in a pure sense, the term " B symptoms " is restricted to lymphoma staging. The presence of B symptoms is a ......

behavioral symptom
Benzodiazepines are sometimes prescribed to treat behavioral symptoms of dementia. Norrie disease can also have cognitive and behavioral symptoms. Most children exhibit some behavioral sym......

cancerous symptom
Kanosh was adversely affected by atomic testing in the Nevada desert in the late 1950s and early 1960s, with many residents and former residents developing cancerous symptoms years later.

cardinal symptom
The symptom that ultimately leads to a diagnosis is called a " cardinal symptom ". Lipowski described delirium as a disorder of attention, wakefulness, cognition, and motor behaviour, whil......

characteristic symptom
In riboflavin deficiency, the " curled toes " is a characteristic symptom. The characteristic symptom of most tree root disease, including this type, is a disease center. "' Citrus leprosi......

chronic symptom
Chronic symptoms can be a sign of a more serious disorder. Chronic symptoms include anemia, increased blood viscosity, and splenomegaly. Chronic symptoms may delay the diagnosis by up to f......

classic symptom
He repeatedly confessed to hearing unreal voices a classic symptom of schizophrenia. UNDATED-The victims exhibit all the classic symptoms : Passive acceptance of abuse. Rubin described th......

classical symptom
These classical symptoms may not be present often in the elderly. The classical symptoms of the syndrome are spasmodic torticollis and dystonia. Some people have atypical presentations and......

clinical symptom
In essence, the relationship between neuropathology and clinical symptoms is not necessarily proportional. The clinical symptoms are caused by abnormalities of the immune system. Even thou......

cognitive symptom
People with schizophrenia live with positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. Schizophrenia is defined by many different behavioral, physical and cognitive symptoms. Many of the cognitiv......

common symptom
Common symptoms of hepatitis A include a flulike illness, fevers and jaundice. A common symptom associated with Wallenberg Syndrome includes dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing. Major comp......

concomitant symptom
Therapy for the treatment of rosacea is not curative, and is best measured in terms of reduction in the amount of facial redness and inflammatory lesions, a decrease in the number, duratio......

consecutive symptom
To meet the diagnostic criteria for cyclothymia, a person must experience this alternating pattern of emotional highs and lows for a period of at least two years with no more than two cons......

constitutional symptom
The disseminated disease can cause constitutional symptoms and condylomata lata. In these settings, the term " B symptoms " is sometimes colloquially applied to refer to such systemic or c......

conversion symptom
Conversion symptoms typically do not conform to known anatomical pathways and physiological mechanisms. As researchers identify the mechanisms which underlie conversion symptoms, it is hop......

cord symptom
Central cord symptoms such as hand weakness, dissociated sensory loss, and, in severe cases, paralysis may occur.

deficiency symptom
Whether these amounts result in identifiable deficiency symptoms, however, has not been established. In general, farmers only apply micronutrients when crops show deficiency symptoms, whil......

deficient symptom
Chapter 11 phosphorus nutrition and p fertilizers . p uptake , transportation and assimilation , p physiological function and its deficient symptoms . p forms in soil and their availabilit......